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Anthony Monteiro


I proudly have over 3 decades in the software development and automotive industry and have been part of 4 major exits. Most recently I was part of the startup DRAIVER an On-Demand Driver network all powered by an AI logistics platform. Over my career, I have been leading the charge on several large innovation projects and I currently work with 100's of large organizations to provide the most robust and cutting-edge products and services in the industry. With a long track record of success at the Nation’s Top-Rated and Leading companies like: DRAIVER (Exit Sold to KAVAK), DealerX, ELEAD CRM (Exit Sold to CDK), Sonic Automotive, Prime Motor Group (Exit Sold to GPB Capital), CDK Dealer Services and Dealer Consulting Services, (Went Public NASDAQ AWEB), I can offer a wide variety of Consulting services in this space from BDC process improvement, Digital Retailing and Website expertise to Product Development business plans and full SDLC specifications.

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